Send a Complaint

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    Hollard’s commitment to handling your complaint

    As a Hollard customer, you can expect to be treated with care and respect. Whilst we certainly can’t claim to always get things right, we try our absolute best to deliver on your expectations. If you are not satisfied with your experience, it is important for you to let us know.

    Hollard provides a dedicated complaint management process to:

    • Provide you with easy and accessible channels to make us aware of your complaint;
    • Ensure transparency and fairness when managing your complaint;
    • Handle complaints in a timely and fair manner and;
    • Identify opportunities for improving customer satisfaction, through the continual review of our processes, systems, products, communication, and services.

    This process ensures that your complaint will be effectively managed and that we will continue to implement changes that create value, and benefit for our customers.

    Hollard’s commitment to you when managing your complaint

    We will:

    • Register and acknowledge your complaint within 1 (one) working day of receipt and provide you with a complaint reference number. The complaint reference number should be used when following up on your complaint;
    • Inform you of estimated timelines, and next steps in resolving your complaint;
    • Keep you informed, by providing regular progress updates;
    • Communicate reasons for delays, with revised timelines for resolution;
    • Address your complaint in a fair, transparent, and professional manner throughout the complaints handling process;
    • Explain the reason for our decision by providing feedback when your complaint has been resolved;
    • Inform you of other channels and processes to follow should you not be satisfied with the outcome of our decision.

    For Hollard to assist with your complaint, it is important that you provide us with sufficient information. This information will be required to follow the two steps, as set out below this list:

    • The name and contact details of the policyholder, and the person who is lodging the complaint;
    • The policy, or claim reference number applicable to your complaint, and;
    • Full details of your complaint (such as all facts, dates, and applicable supporting documents).

    Step 1 - How to lodge a complaint

    To inform us about your complaint, you may use any one of the following channels:

    • Refer to your policy wording, as well as schedule of insurance, to obtain the relevant contact details and complaints procedure.
    • Send an email to:
    • Contact the Hollard Switchboard on +258 21 357 700, where one of our agents will direct your complaint to the appropriate division for resolution.
    • You may write to us at:
      Hollard Moçambique Companhia de Seguros,
      S.AR.L. Av. Sociedade de Geografia,
      no 269 Edifício Hollard,
      C.P. 428 Maputo – Moçambique

    Step 2 – For external dispute resolution

    If the complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction by Hollard, after following Step 1, you may submit your complaint to the Instituto de Supervisao de Seguros de Mozambique (ISSM):

    Instituto de Supervisao de Seguros de Mozambique
    Av. 24 de Julho n° 1097, 2nd Floor, Edifício Shopping 24

    Telephones: (+258) 82 306 4220 | 84 312 2357 | 84 312 2358

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Hollard Seguros and Hollard Vida provide Corporate Health Insurance and Corporate Life Insurance exclusively for business. While we do not offer Individual Life and Health Insurance, we do offer Personal Accident Insurance Cover.

Hollard Seguros and Hollard Vida provide Corporate Health Insurance and Corporate Life Insurance exclusively for business. While we do not offer individual Life and Health Insurance, we do offer Personal Accident Insurance Cover.